Re-Enchant Your Life
Summer Camp for your soul!
When was the last time you felt alive?
I’m talking running outside barefoot, feeling the wind against your face, and literally smelling the roses...
When we hit adulthood, it's so easy to get caught up in being constantly busy and taking care of everyone but yourself. More often than not, we're drained by the end of the day. Even finding the energy to change course can feel overwhelming.
What we’re talking about here is a depleted mojo.
And that affects EVERYTHING: Money. Job. Health. Relationships. Sex. All of it.
What if I told you that you can infuse your life with clarity, excitement and joy - WITHOUT hustle, with NO intense “program,” or even any need to change very much at all?
What if you could access your energy, potency and purpose by NOT DOING?
Find the roadmap back to your inner magic
You don’t have to do it all.
You don’t have to have all the answers.
You don’t have to solve all of the problems.
Yes. Let that deep breath in. Feels like a relief, doesn’t it?
This journey begins by stopping, being still, and tuning into the magic within and around you.
Not just with your eyes and ears, but with your whole being.
This 5 week program will offer you practical wisdom including:
The importance of doing nothing and why it isn't laziness
Why making time for play actually helps you hit goals and manifest dreams...and with way less effort
Ways to create sanctuary for yourself on every level
Discover plants, mushrooms, psychedelics and flower essences that can support your journey
Rituals to tap into your intuition and imagination with ease
How to engage with your joy right now rather than waiting “until” or hoping it happens because of external events
Ceremonies to cultivate rich connection with yourself, those around you, and the land on which you stand.
One payment of $444
In just 5 sessions over 5 weeks, you’ll experience a guided journey through the wisdom of the visible and invisible worlds within and around you.
What’s included:
Nervous system regulating exercises
A deep dive into better sleep
Lessons on herbs/mushrooms/psychedelics
A Neuroplasticity Masterclass to heal trauma and embrace joy
Playful practices that shift your stories and change your life
5 unique ceremonies to move you to a place of more joy and aliveness
Less work. More play.
Joyful. Connected. Reverent. Fully Alive.
One payment of $444
The Magical Song Inside of You
When we were young, adults taught us to prioritize the practical over the magical.
Our inner song became quiet, like an echo of a memory.
It’s time to remember that magnificent song that’s inside of you and turn the volume all the way up.
Your mic is waiting!
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