Fire Cider Demonstration

Introduction to Herbalism

This is an easy to implement 2-part training program to help you rediscover the abundant healing properties of our earth in a more meaningful, powerful, and practical way than ever before.


“Learning herbalism with Dr. Maya taught me how potent plants can be even in emergency situations. Now I know how to run outside and find an herb for every manner of emergency and they really, really work.”

“Spit poultices are the best! I’ve saved myself many trips to the medicine cabinet and the doctor with my newfound knowledge of plants.”

“I’ve learned how to identify clues that help me determine the medicine of plants. For example, I now know that yellow flowers may indicate medicine for gallbladder or urinary health, and red flowers can indicate support for blood or the heart. And I’ve gotten so much more curious about the medicine of plants.”

Herbalism can support your health more powerfully than you can imagine.

Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually.

 You can have agency over your health.

  You can minimize reliance on expensive pharmaceutical solutions with endless side effects.

  You can dive deeper into your curiosity about the natural world around you.

  You can curate a medicine chest full of the highest quality remedies, straight from the earth!

 Your can answer your heart’s yearning to be part of a tradition that goes back for thousands of years.

Are you ready to discover the medicine of plants?

If you’re wondering …

  • Why choose herbs over medication? 
  • When is herbal medicine appropriate and safe? 
  • How can I identify herbs around me?
  • How do I know, if I’m making herbal medicine for myself, that I’m doing it right?
  • Which herbs can help me with certain problems?

THIS is the course for you.


“I used to look forward to dandelion season because it was fun to spread the seeds and make a wish. Now I know so many new dandelion recipes and medicines - now I can’t wait for dandelion season because I want some tasty fritters!"

“Dr. Maya helped me to look at the ground completely differently. I don’t see my lawn as just grass anymore. I see all the details of leaves and plants and flowers and know how they can be helpful allies for my health and wellbeing.”

“Learning with Dr Maya shifted my perspective on every plant I see. Before I may have admired pretty flowers or trees, but now I pay attention to every single plant. They all stand out to me now. I see nature with new eyes.”

Learn the art, science and magic of working with the herbs all around you.

I’ve practiced as an MD and herbalist for over a decade. And I’ve been asked THOUSANDS of times to share this knowledge of how to work with the original medicines for a variety of common and chronic conditions.

Herbs can help you with:

  • Sleep
  • Pain relief
  • Digestive issues
  • Detoxification 
  • Relieving anxiety 
  • Elevating mood 

If there was ever a moment in time to build a relationship with the abundant healing properties of our planet in a more meaningful and personal way…the time is NOW.

What's Included In This Course

Upon registering you will have immediate access to all 3 video sessions, power point slides and handouts. 

  • Learn the ANCIENT foundation of plant medicine.

  • Discover the most common and abundant healing plants and herbs, literally in your backyard!

  • Working with plant signatures

  • Making herbal smoke bundles demonstration and instruction.

  • Q&A with Dr. Maya

  • Making medicine with plants, herbs and botanicals.
  • Techniques for using: water, oil, vinegar, honey, dehydration, and freezing modalities for using herbs and storing them.
  • Learn to make a proper medicinal tea.
  • Q&A with Dr. Maya
  • Deep dive into 10 different herbs that are easy to access. 
  • The healing properties of mushrooms.
  • Learn the health restorative properties of BARK and trees!
  • Q&A with Dr. Maya

Also included:

  • A supply list.
  • A collection of Dr. Maya’s favorite herbal recipes for you to make at home.

Learn to create teas, tincture, infused oil, and other foundational remedies for your herbal tool kit!

“I’ve spent years treating my patients who have simple and complex conditions with the magnificent plants and herbs that we find abundantly in nature, all around us.  Working with herbs is a wonderful way to stay healthy and support those you love.” ~ Dr. Maya Shetreat

With One Short Course of Study, You Can Join this Ancient Healing Tradition

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price of this training?

A one time payment of $222.

How do I watch the training?

Upon registering, you will create an account. Then you can login and access the class anytime.

What is your refund policy?

All sales are final. There will be no refunds provided.