Maya Shetreat, MD is a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, ceremonialist, and author of The Dirt Cure and the newly released The Master Plant Experience: The Science, Safety and Sacred Ceremony of Psychedelics. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show and more. Dr. Maya created Quantum Drops (, a vibrational Master Plant product that is safe, legal, and deeply transformative. She is also the founder of the Terrain Institute, where she offers a training for psychedelic-informed practitioners as well as an upcoming Quantum Practitioner Certification.

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Dr. Maya and Dr. Oz collaborate on the importance of using soil, fresh foods and nature to heal you from the inside out! See how two brilliant doctors empower you to transform your and your child’s health!

Is Science the Way to Describe Magic?

Elise Loehnen and Dr. Maya discuss miracles, mysteries, and the power of acknowledging that we will never know everything.

“The only thing that is anti-science is not asking questions.” – Dr. Maya Shetreat

Plant Medicines, Mushrooms, and MDMA.

We reclaim our place on this earth as women, recognize the sacred interconnectedness of all beings, and discover how plants can help support our healing journey. We explore spirituality, the integration of plant medicine into our lives, and learn what can happen when we fully surrender to Mother Earth and her callings. 

The Invisible World

  • Learn about the crossroads between sacred + science: our own microbiomes.
  • The importance of rituals + the magic of building an altar.
  • And how our electromagnetic field entrains with

click to view

Media Appearance Ny times
Media Appearance The Times
Media Appearance PCC Community Markets
Media Appearance MBG
Media Appearance Foodtank
Media Appearance NPR
Media Appearance The Telegraph
Media Appearance Human Longevity
Media Appearance Paleo Magazine
Media Appearance Huff Post
Media Appearance CBS NY
Media Appearance Chicago Tribune
Media Appearance The Irish News
Media Appearance New Hope Network

Podcast Interviews

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